
A visit to the Potters of Soufflenheim

Have you heard of Kouglopf? This is a famous cake from Alsace with a particular shape it owes to the earthenware moulds that come from the small town of Soufflenheim. Many typical dishes of Alsace such as sauerkraut, baeckeoffe or laemmele are made in cookware and moulds originating from the region.


Imagine Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in a potter’s workshop with clay... In the real world, the potters are friendly people, but they have golden hands. The potteries are open for visits to share their world-famous artisan know-how.



As you can see, shops now carry contemporary pieces, in trendy colours and shapes. And indeed, gastronomy is for all genders: who is indifferent to food simmered in high-quality cookware that combines tastiness and beauty? There is something for everyone. Even the great star chefs buy cookware from Soufflenheim potters.



Has that whetted your appetite? That is a stroke of luck, since the discovery tour of the village will only make it better. A map, an itinerary, a treasure hunt for children, have a fun time! You will discover the basics of pottery and the various stages of manufacturing, right up to the decoration of each piece. The best part when potters talk about their craft and tell you about their passion for the activity they love and have been handing down the generations.

The potters discovery tour

With a map and an itinerary (also in the form of a treasure hunt for children), the Tour des Potiers offers an independent route through Soufflenheim to discover its heritage and its potters. In their shops and workshops, you can discover them and be charmed by their creations. This is the time to shop with them on their craft! 

Duration of the tour

Two to two and a half hours, but of course you can cut it short wherever you want!


No need for walking shoes or crampons! It's easy...

Starting point

Tourist office of Soufflenheim - 20B Grand'Rue - 67620 SOUFFLENHEIM


+33 (0)3 88 86 74 90

Download the tour



What if you discovered portraits of women potters who have taken over the family business?

For many years, artisan trades were handed down from father to son. In Soufflenheim today, the last generation is made up of women. A change that goes against tradition, to the delight of the families themselves and their visitors! We met these women who are making history and keeping traditions alive.

The three BECK Sisters


The Beck pottery works date from around 1750. The company is now run by Richard Beck and his three daughters Hélène, Marie and Caroline. From the outset, their products have focussed on functional cookware.


What do you think of the place of women in pottery?

Women have always played a major role in pottery, especially decoration and finishing. But they only rarely occupied management positions. Changes in society over the last 50 years have enabled many women to take up senior positions!


Is your father proud of the three of you?

Our father is a man with a passion. Seeing us so involved and happy in our work can only make him proud of us.



Is it difficult to work as a family, with your sisters?

Working with your family is never easy, because at the end of the day or at family meals, the main topics of discussion always revolve around the company. We trust each other enough not to offend each other. And we also have our own specificities in our field and complement each other!


Do you have children? Are you going to pass on your trade to your sons or daughters?

We all have children. Marie's son, Yanis, who is 16 years old, is currently an apprentice with the company. He's working towards a pottery diploma. But we are not thinking about transmission just yet. In any case, a business must pass on naturally. Our father never forced us to work with him.


You must be proud to work on pottery in a region with such an ancient tradition.

We are very proud to perpetuate a company that is more than 200 years old and boasts centuries-old know-how.

The two LEHMANN sisters


Sylvie and Kathia represent the fourth generation of Lehmann family, and make artisan pottery including lightly decorated and more contemporary items.

What do you think of the place of women in pottery?

In the past, trades were passed on from father to son, but mentalities have changed, and there is nothing to stop a craftsman from training up his wife, daughters or sisters.


Is your father proud of the two of you?

Yes of course, he has given us valuable know-how, his know-how! And that’s saying something!


Is it difficult to work as a family, with your sisters?

No, on the contrary, it's a strength. We stick together in difficult times and are doubly effective!


Do you have children? Are you going to pass on your trade to your sons or daughters?

Yes, we have two children each. Right now, we'd like to let them grow up. Craftsmanship has to be a passion, so it has to come from them, we don't want to force them at all!


What do you like best about this job?

Sylvie loves the wheel, while Kathia is specialised in decoration and customer relations. People are often astonished, especially in Strasbourg in the shop we have there. Visitors are always very surprised to see potters sell their own wares and look after the till in the shop.


You must be proud to work on pottery in a region with such an ancient tradition.

Oh yes! Soufflenheim pottery is now part of heritage that must be protected!



Peggy wehrling

The artisan workshop G. Wehrling & Fille is specialized in Alsatian folk art. Their pottery produces earthenware intended mainly for everyday use in the kitchen. The work is artisanal and the pottery is made in small quantities based on seasonal themes.


What do you think of the place of women in pottery?

I believe that women have always played an important part in pottery workshops. They were the ones who decorated the pottery, added a touch of creativity and ran the shop! But it is true that they took second place to their husbands, who were in charge and responsible for the name and reputation of the business. Fortunately, work techniques have improved and things have changed!

Is your father proud of you?

Yes, I think my father is proud of me, in fact I would say we're pretty proud of each other. He always gave me free rein to develop my own ideas and that is what allowed me to find my place.


Is it difficult to work with your family?

Seen from the outside, working as a family may seem difficult, but the enormous advantage is that each member of the company supports the other and gives the best of themselves for shared success!


Do you have children? Are you going to pass on your trade to your sons or daughters?

Yes, I have two children and I try to inculcate the values of our region and our traditions into them. But I must admit that passing on a family business is a heavy burden. I would rather let them learn to fly on their own, and then bring together our experiences at some point.


What do you like best about this job?

There is so much I love about my trade! Above all, it involves a number of stages, generating a host of emotions. Anxiety and impatience when the pieces are being fired, then wonder or disappointment when the oven is opened and the colours appear. There is also the pleasure of setting up the shop and finally the satisfaction of seeing customers appreciate your work.


You must be proud to work on pottery in a region with such an ancient tradition.

I cannot see myself anywhere else but in Soufflenheim, because that is where I belong and where I am known for what I do.
